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Hallo aus USA
Verfasst: Mo 23. Dez 2013, 05:14
von CaledesErebor
Mein deutsch ist kein sehr gut..
Does anyone here speak English?
I Love fantasy novels and horror films.
I came here for friendship and language exchange!
Re: Hallo aus USA
Verfasst: Mo 23. Dez 2013, 06:57
von Hexodus
Hello and wellcome CaledesErebor! Most germans do speak English so feel free to discuss with us whatever you like. If you're able to follow German conversations you can answer us in English too.
Re: Hallo aus USA
Verfasst: Mo 23. Dez 2013, 07:13
von harakiri
Wow, an user from the USA, hope you will stay and have a lot of fun here
I think we are all able to have a nice conversation with you.
Re: Hallo aus USA
Verfasst: Mo 23. Dez 2013, 12:30
von flavius
Hallo. (in englischer Aussprache wohlgemerkt

Re: Hallo aus USA
Verfasst: Di 24. Dez 2013, 15:20
von Lanara
Hi CaledesErebor, welcome and have fun with us

Re: Hallo aus USA
Verfasst: Do 26. Dez 2013, 03:32
von CaledesErebor
Thank you guys! I'm happy to be here

Re: Hallo aus USA
Verfasst: Do 26. Dez 2013, 19:55
von harakiri
Hi Caledes,
did you have a nice Christmas? How is the weather like in the USA?